
Imagining future impacts of climate change in Niger and Burkina Faso
A variety of foresight processes are used in West Africa to imagine a future under climate change, including modeling, participatory scenarios and visioning processes. However, a crucial next step to improve the use of these techniques in policy plans is to augment human and financial resources and improve the coherence of policy goals among…
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Innovative Session on anticipatory climate governance in the world’s vulnerable regions
While anticipatory practices such as climate scenarios and participatory foresight methods are increasingly used to adapt to and shape uncertain climate futures, there is little research on how such engagement with the future impacts governance and policy choices in the present. The research gap in regions most vulnerable to climate change impacts is especially significant….
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RE-IMAGINE at the Earth System Governance Conference
With the unveiling of the new Earth System Governance Project Science and Implementation Plan at the 2018 Conference in Utrecht, RE-IMAGINE finds itself at the centre of the new theme “Anticipation and Imagination”. The conference allowed the RE-IMAGINE team Karlijn Muiderman, Joost Vervoort, Aarti Gupta, Maliha Muzammil and Charlotte Ballard to promote and explore the…
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Applying the anticipatory governance lens to practice: the case of the CCAFS scenario-guided policy review in Burkina Faso
For an upcoming paper, RE-IMAGINE researcher Karlijn Muiderman is analyzing processes of climate adaptation though an anticipatory climate governance lens. One selected case is a CCAFS foresight process in Burkina Faso in West Africa, which was also co-led by Utrecht University. Until now, such foresight processes have, for the most part, not been analyzed from…
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Innovative Session at Utrecht Earth System Governance Conference
RE-IMAGINE researchers will lead an innovative session on anticipatory climate governance in the world’s most vulnerable regions at the Earth System Governance Conference in Utrecht, which will take place from 5th until 8th November 2018. The innovative session will be held on Wednesday 7th November 13.30 – 15.00 (venue TBA), and seeks to unpack diverse…
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RE-IMAGINE and BNP Paribas: the role of the private sector in a climate change world
Scenarios are increasingly used by governments and organizations like the UN in climate change planning. Banks must also adapt to ensure a sustainable future in a changing world. Utrecht University researchers Joost Vervoort and Karlijn Muiderman spoke with employees of BNP Paribas about the role of the private sector at two events in London and Amsterdam. Read More
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RE-IMAGINE project launches in Utrecht
On 23 January 2018, the Re-imagining anticipatory climate governance in the world’s vulnerable regions (RE-IMAGINE) project was launched at the Utrecht University Museum in Utrecht, The Netherlands. RE-IMAGINE investigates ways in which scenario processes that explore the implications of different climate futures can play a role in appropriate and effective modes of anticipatory climate governance…
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