Joost Vervoort – project leader
Joost Vervoort is Assistant Professor in the Environmental Governance Group at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. He is also a Senior Researcher at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
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Aarti Gupta – project co-leader
Aarti Gupta is Associate Professor of Global Environmental Politics and Policy at the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University & Research. She is particularly interested in anticipatory governance of novel environmental and technological risk, the continuing relevance of multilateralism and state-based governance and the prospects for transparency to be a transformative force in global environmental politics.
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Karlijn Muiderman
Karlijn Muiderman is a project officer and lead researcher and PhD candidate on the RE-IMAGINE. She is based at Utrecht University Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and the Wageningen University and Research Environmental Policy Group.
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Maliha Muzammil

Maliha Muzammil is a researcher at the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford and the South Asia Regional Scenarios Coordinator for the CCAFS Future Scenarios project. She works to develop socio-economic and climate scenarios at regional levels as a tool for strategic policy planning and investment decisions. She is a part of the RE-IMAGINE project team from the University of Oxford.
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Charlotte Ballard
Charlotte Ballard is a science communication and public relations expert and supports the media and outreach programme of RE-IMAGINE.
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CCAFS Regional Coordinators
Lucas Rutting
Lucas Rutting is the CCAFS West Africa Regional Scenarios Coordinator. He is also a PhD candidate at Utrecht University.
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Rathana Peou
Dr. Rathana Peou is the CCAFS Southeast Asia Regional Scenarios Coordinator.
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Marieke Veeger
Marieke Veeger is the CCAFS Central America Regional Scenarios Coordinator.
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Scientific Advisory Committee
Stacy VanDeveer
Kasper Kok
Garry Peterson
Katrien Termeer
Andrew Jordan
Richard Moss
John Selsky
Stefan Schäfer
Sean Low