RE-IMAGINE is led by Utrecht University’s Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development with Wageningen University & Research, the University of Oxford and the CCAFS Future Scenarios Project as project partners.
The project builds on climate foresight expertise of the CGIAR Scenarios Project under the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Programme, global climate policy and governance expertise from Wageningen University & Research and the University of Oxford, and foresight and climate governance expertise within Utrecht University.
It also works with regional governmental organisations in four global regions that are highly vulnerable to climate change: Central America, West Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. The project analyses in detail the challenges and opportunities inherent in current ways of anticipating and planning for climate change, to facilitate better policy interventions, particularly in these vulnerable regions. In undertaking this work, the project will collaborate closely with the CCAFS network and regional partners UCI, ICRISAT, GIZ and ICCCAD to design and test new anticipatory climate governance processes in practice. The results from these regional processes come together in a cross regional analysis.

RE-IMAGINE has been made possible by the BNP Paribas Foundation’s ‘Climate Action Call’, which aims to strengthen anticipation of climate change processes, and further our understanding of impacts on our environment and local populations around the world.
RE-IMAGINE is endorsed by, and collaborates with, the international research network “Earth System Governance Project”.